Gulrez Azhar featured in NPR: Why India’s yogurt drink lassi is the perfect drink for the hottest summer on record

| August 11, 2023

When temperatures in northern India routinely climb north of 110 degrees, few people have air conditioning, and “everywhere you go, all around you, it’s sweaty, unbearable. It’s hot”, there are a few simple remedies that offer a modicum of relief says Gulrez Azhar, a 2017 New Voices Fellow, in this piece for NPR.

“These remedies include wearing light cotton clothing, maximizing shade … and enjoying a cold beverage. For Azhar, and for millions in India, it’s the sweet yogurt lassi.”

As people around the world continue to experience rising temperatures and extreme heat, this yogurt drink is one that is not only is tasty and refreshing, but contains more nutrients than water alone or even sports drinks.


To learn more about Lassi as well as other similar beverages and their benefits read more below.